Tuesday 17 May 2022

NATO Vs Russia

In a YouTube Vid on the Russian military industry that was reformed by Putin and his secret service gang of buddies someone mentioned they founded in 2002 a company with about 100.000 staff entirely for building rockets. 

If I was Putin, I'd take my time waiting for NATO building up their arsenal in the three to four years timeframe that kept running through the media and shortly before the attack, cut a channel from Scandinavia through central Europe straight to the Turkish boarder with conventional warheads bombing all and everything needed for supplies from logistics facilities, to strategic cross roads, fuel storage and pipelines, airports and airfields, computer main frame facilities, telecommunication hubs from wire to satellite base, radio transmitters of all kind for public and military service and if some left also industrial production factories of the military complex. 
Due to modern just-in-time production a motorway cross road is more important than a factory. No lorries arriving, no tanks produced.

That way all troops east won't have resupplies and all west of a belt about 500km in width and 2500km long being modern logistically wasteland got stuck at about the Rhine, which was in cold war doctrine NATOs line of tolerance and if crossed would have triggered a nuclear counter strike.
All for a sudden Russia would have an almost perfect position for negotiations with the Americans and only the Americans, while most mighty NATO partners would be busy with civil war like chaos by the population having figured out that the constant media news on bad Russian equipment was a blunt lie, to have a confrontation on the sea turn avoidable between the naval powers of USA, UK and Russia, China with the less predictable smaller allies from Spain to France and India.

If along with military spending preparing for a last outcry of turning third from cold to hot also recession hits especially Europe, I might find myself stuck in pretty much the geographic centre of that attack, but without any firearms in my possession and surrounded by all those that after a few hours of strategic rocket attacks will mind a very lot that I was not just a joke to laugh about. 
Usually, that's when they get really aggressive, like loosing in Basketball, being outperformed in Skateboarding or getting knocked out in fights on the toilette. Just, this aint angry teenagers and a few teachers with some butterfly knifes possibly, but men with firearms full of hate against someone that already lost all and everything that was ever important by never having a chance to get a fair share of even his own intellectual creations.

The best scenario would be, if the hegemonial powers would agree on competing economically on all levels from building up 80% of mankind to be actually able to afford products and services the industrialised mobile digital world needs new customers for anyway, to secret service intelligence based war fare over eyeing the apparently red button that will kill us all.

It is interesting times we live in...and I won't go back to normal, granted.