Sunday 24 July 2022

Slave farm mathematics

The enemy of the free human, the one Charly Chaplin warned us about and described as men with machine hearts, like to lie by e.g. giving false proof of slave labour being economically ligit. The Nazi were the last that tried that and we are still missing a monument for the unknown Nazi slave labourer that activly resisted by working even worse.

Resistance has many forms. From placing bombs in frequented restaurants to targeted assassinations to having not seen the partisan running away and also to be the sand corn over the cockwheel in the bad mean machine keeping slaves.

Slavery is based on tyranny in opposite to free labour that is based on ... all and everything good. If we work together we work better, deliver better quality results, if we are happy, we feel better and work in even more harmony, if we do things we enjoy they turn out to be best...and yet over and over again someone will come up with a possibly even sophisticated work, but based on the foundation of slavery.

A house is only as solid as its foundation. So why try building or even discussing, if the foundation is rotten and weak.
