Friday 22 July 2022

The best prisoner

 If you meet the ancisters of war criminals that keep walking in deadly footsteps, you hear a lot. Such as that mankind develops most in times of war and conflict, that the best prisoner is the one that does not know he is a prisoner and that modern konzentration camps need to be virtual.
There is a top dog politian that wrote a master theses on the profitability of the American slave farms and he actually got away with it.

The whole point is, that these top dog bullies are all following the same strategy of hiding against the stronger and hitting the weak by using always and ever two different sets of measuring tape for them and others, like a priest gone bad preaching drinking water, but getting piss drunk on the church wine every single evening.

The metaphor of the barbarian
A barbarian, but of the bad kind, stepped into a barder shop and put a silver coin on the table. He then loudly told the master barber that this would be his coin for a perfectly cut beart, but he'd kill him with his long big sword, if he'd just scratch him.
The master looked down and saw his hands shaking so he walked into the back room and told the apprentice about the words of the barber. The apprentice said he'd do the cut.
So he did and gave the barbarian a perfect cut down of his long beart.
The barbarian asked him why he'd done the cut, as he appeard to him to be apprentice. 
The apprentice said: "The entire time I had my sharp razor blade at your throat and would have cut it entierely, if I would have just scratched you."
"Oh my God", the barbarian said.
And the apprentice pushed the blade into his main arteria at the throat, but now holding a towel to catch the blood, which he would not have had, if he was just scratching him....

Bad is killed by evil so the good are save. But be aware that bad nothing fears more than evil, so .... hide to strike, especially when in the inside.