Saturday 3 December 2022

A contemporary corporate world missconception

Have you ever been to Lisbon, the place to go since a few years? Well, Lisbon is one of the over croweded places like Venice that only by a world wide epedemic came to a rest.
In opposite to Venice it also turned a major hot spot of investments by the internationaly operating big corpos for both cheap and international labour and also high profile managers. Lisbon got it all.

The strategic planners and corporate counterpart of military and political think tanks decided that these two pics ain no problem:

Both are from a quick google search and the first is from the Tour Guy, the second from IPE Real Estates. I don't know, if they are related and if one ever used material from the other, but they are both doing business in the same region and are both developing that region.

The first picture shows the Lisbon restaurants in the very city center that is also full of shouters trying to catch guests into empty restaurants and the second picture is one of the business parks that have been created in the outskirts of Lisbon.

In some of the restaurants, I am sure, the quality won't match any acceptable price and expectation ratio while in the business park some only get a few hundred Euros per month, which forces them into shared living and the town of Lisbon to create zones off the short term rental market to protect local long term tenants.

Today, all have to accept that a few profit from basically a market manipulation created by a few very rich in cash organisations attracting all and everyone into quick and easy cash along with it.

In a dystopian society, all would take matters in their own hands, and not only the official Police would be able to enforce their own will. 
Today, only the Police is capable of enforcing anything, but they are part of a system that turned more and more in favor of a few and does not reflect anymore the interests of all, while protest on its own will not win against those few able to even abuse the system of the nation of Portugal for their very own selfish interests.

If the short term rental next door caused loud noise every weekend, the tenants around will have to call Police every weekend and no judge will be able to shut down the business except he was given a law. To get that law is practically impossible for the tenants around. It needs bigger interest groups.

In a dystopian society the tenants can either themselves or by a hired gun make sure that the business stays either put or the owner selects the guest more appropriately to the others, no matter a law in place.

Personally, having tenants that do actively disrespect, in a society based on envy and greed ignoring the fact they they are renting a flat in an old post war building, creating knowingly mean noise just below Police level, with laws that bind all my hands into accepting, I do prefer a dystopian society even if that would mean I might have to take on a few hired corporate security guys from any of the consultant tenants clients by force.

Our society got so complex, and the loop holes for anti-social behaviour so extremly big, turning a threat to our forthcoming that I see no other way, but to also democresise the monopole of using violance currently being a national privilege down to the citizens again, as it was pre-industrialisation in especially this region.

Before, the guys upstairs go lental, because China stops shipping iWatches completely and there is no gas to heat the flat anymore at all.