Tuesday 7 February 2023

A modern major war

In the past there was no mobility and even further back no information based on surveillance and electronics. Therefore it needed either an assassin like a ninja samurai or a chef de force had to fight his way through the enemy's soldiers.

Russa and China can use their rocket arsenal to take down key infrastructure points, followed by bomber and jet attacks on their enemy and than mile by mile enter enemy territory as the U.S. military did to liberate Iraq from a dictator giving Iraq a new structure, by that also appeacing the kurdish-turkish struggle and even the Iraq-Iran dispute.

Or, based on intelligence work on a more sophisticated level than possible in times of the liberation of Iraq useing social engineering strategies, digital reconessaince and smaller rockets possibly launched from supersonic jets and even small secret service teams to assassinate by bombs or motar attacks those that have command, power and interest against them where ever they work and live along with their closest collaborators.

The rich over here all have super yachts, villas, high level offices in high risers and go on expensive vacation in luxerious resorts while tanks will have to shoot their way through our social wellfare ghettos and falling mid-class neighbourhoods expecting negotations at the cross road to the villa quarters.

We also could normalize live for the very majority and solve our dispute, of which I am part with a major bill for our rich and mighty in secret services, law enforcement and both IT and music industry beside organiced crime, if we all decide to kill each other in the shadows of this society.

My enemy is the very same that buys kokain, despite the south american state, that drives on fossil fule, despite the impact and that stolen from my friends and me our copy right material in the millions without any regrets. I am ready to take on what I dropped in the late 90ies when the barraks moved to liberate Iraq over getting murdered by CIA Pentagon strategies, every single day, and will, if the signs are ready.

There are two options. Open terrorism against national law enforcment in an urban guirillia strategy, which will be the case, if the current PsyOps terror continues along with cutting me continously off living from my music and picture material or I get a cash flow based on what was in the past stolen and go shadows.

Weed catches the bad, like 9mil Police ammo...your choice...my axe is sharp to cut down that tree. 

Sun Tzu wrote that at one point the main force has to be attacked. It is time now. I am coming for you Teutonic Order. I am Iron Clad, the first Jedi of the Rose Crusader Knights from a dynastie of Knight Thieves and Travellers of Gaellic blood and Frankonian heritage and I know no mercy with you.

#gangwars or #urbanterror choose or I do...for my heart.