Tuesday 20 June 2023

Comments - On the importance of Trench Warfare


On the importance of Trench Warfare 

I'd love to pinn it down to the IQ of some warlords, but sadly, security lines in every espect will become even more important, if this war for a pluralistic multipole world goes covered operations instead of nuclear.

The more this current conflict and last stand up of those that caused all prior World Wars turns into a modern version of the Cold War, the more important will securing large facilities become.

Hence The West tries to break off Russian and Chinese influence in the 3rd world, as they did during the Cold War, they will have to attack there investements and cut down on future investements by hitting their research and developement facitlities, as they did during Cold War, but this time more directly than financing e.g. Columbian Contras that attacked and murdered socialist run farms forcing them into the cocain production or joining Russian and Cubain equipped FARC.

Soon, trenches and AI driven drones will surround agricultural facilities in pretty much all 3rd world countries and many villages in Sahel, Sahara or the Jungle of the Golden Triangle will be sourrounded by dual purpose trenches, walls and have check points.

The world will become way more Dark Future Cyberpunk than some imagined, but no Mad Max Acopolyptic end of mankind....if we all force our bad boyz into underground wars keeping hands of most civilians.

#provos #MIB #peacekeeperterrorists #nobodyissavegranted