Tuesday 13 June 2023

Comments - South Africa failed state

South Africa is a failed state 

What really happend. The ANC made the mistake of showing mercy to those without mercy being still scared by the ever same drug based tactic. The Apartheid system was like the Confederate system a system based on fear and intimidation and blunt oppression.

Knowing that the South African Civil Rights movement had a lot of support from within those Africans that were of European and also Indian heritage they decided to use a mild form of truth finding in which everyone who would confess was forgiven.

Beside blunt lies, the Apartheid system was based on anyway they also did not hit down on Black African collaborators that supported out of hate or profit instead of surpression the White African slave system.

The money those aliens to mankind made was never ligit in any respect and South Africa was way poorer during Apartheid, just the available wealth was pilled up on a fraction of the population and even a lot of that came from Blood Diamond trade, illigal mining and illigal Ivy trade.

They founded black facing and self-tanner.

South Africa is today still in the same borders that were based on slave owner military needs and therefore represents a geogrphy and not the different people living on that soil.

This country needs structural reforms of all systems, institutions and geographic enteties and has to allow the White Africans to be as hard as needed against the common enemy.

We grew up among them, not on the other side of the fence.

#provos #gangwars #ANCexpedetioncorps
04:13 If I catch you drunk in a bar and you answer yes on me asking, if that means you miss your kaffa to open your doors ... it will be gods deed I do to you afterwards, mate

In Addition

Outages are a great idea to upgrade the grid instead of building unneeded extra power plants. First the grid has to be made saver against short circuts. This means that it needs more and smaller power sources like solar cells on roof tops, walls and covering streets also giving shadow, small power plants for housing blocks and factories or industrial parks having their own system that always has to be mixed. 
It also makes sence to move entire production facilites by subsideries closer to bigger energy sources and recreate the factories in mixed town quarters of housing, shopping spaces or less energy intensive industries or work shops.
The circuts in regions, towns, town quarters, quarter blocks, and block buidlings have to become smaller upraded with use sensors creating an information grid to better understand and manage the electric grid creating a more independent system in which one fault can not create a chain fault effect.
A lot of that is is cheap and easy.
Like. If you have to cut down a tree today, you'd better take a seat and sharpen the axe throuhout the heat to cut the tree at the evening having a real good shartp tool slicing into the wood just fine and easy with strong, but few strokes.
#provos #centurions #deadheads