Tuesday 27 June 2023

Comments - Rocker Nation G Vs Modernist Incorporated on Die in Style

The CEO of testo on G style

Thank you for these insites. It is interesting to me that you ignore the cut on the suits and insist on a black suite that IMHO only a Rabbi wears on both funerals and weddings. Also the choice of no logo Polo's, while to me it makes a difference, if I meet someone in a Lacoste or Fred Perry and with only one I'll carry a bat. And on shoes, must is fitting to suite and is only two real choices, which is fitting in colour classic for friendlies or half boots deriving from the same places like trench coats best fitting like a trainer on all occasions to personal for Fred Perry's. Watches must be showing the precise time and have a stop watch function.

I hope we meet one day where James won't go.