This blog looks at this real world as, if I was sitting in a cyberpunk pub in a Sci-Fi parallel universe with a super skunk ciggy and a sweet bourbon, and this world was the video game. I am a fully independent artist with no management or distribution contracts. Piracy is a crime and harms artists. Report abuse, theft and piracy to the local authorities to help free, independent artists!
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Monday, 24 July 2023
Sunday, 23 July 2023
The change in little Italy - Ns all in
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
The possible excess of the extreme
Thursday, 13 July 2023
Sunday, 9 July 2023
Comments - The war over The Wallen
Why Amsterdam is Building a New Red Light District
Can you imagine that this is actually an attack against the oldest Red Light district that does not know pimpery? The Wallen in Amsterdam are full of tourists that stride through the few streets, The Wallen are surrounded in a nother layer of town by small caffees, coffee shops and there is factually no crime. The Wallen does not know in opposite to the other big Red Light area of Hamburg and Frankfurt hard drug use, street sales of hard drugs or violance.
Crime measurement is done by looking at the crime statistic which is based on Police reports that are created by someone informing about a crime, such as tourists on pickpocketing in The Wallen or reports on hard drugs being bought at the Wallen.
Do you understand how much illigal cash can be earned, if a Red Light district falls into the hands of Anabole-Steroids, Amphetamin consuming and Heroin and Kokain selling Rocker and Street Gangs whos actual bosses in Mexico and Afgahnistan have billions to invest into e.g human resources?
The Nethelands is home to a religous reformist split of from the kathlic church known as the Calvenists. These are very bussy and disciplined humans that consider nothing more cathlic, and therefore their oponoent, as the lifestyle cultivated in The Wallen. The Calvnists have a lot of power and they are right to keep The Wallen at bay, but they are wrong to ignore that there is a bigger threat outside and that The Wallen are also an important micro-cosmos to protect in a multi-coltoural liberal trade nation.
PS: Historicaly, brothels were forbidden in Amsterdam creating the unique character of The Wallen. A brothel is like a hotel having an entrance and is wihin a house. Like creating a fence around The Wallen would create in Anne Franks home town a living nightmare for another group by factually creating a Red Light Ghetto for anouther small sub-group of society, a brothel will enfavor a Security Service and one owner of the building, exactly as in all Red Light districts that have to deal with pimpery and toxic gangs.
Saturday, 8 July 2023
Piccasso's me
I do not know the artist, it was not me, and I never saw a painting so much hitting showing me.
I know who asked my why and when I have no lions' tattoo unlike so many occuping me keeping distance and I know that I told you all that I, a wolf does not perform in any arena.
I also know you forgot that wolfs eat rats, but I wonder, if you see the coming feast like this society the ground we all knew we'd hit some time.
There will be no peace until I killed you all!
I seldomly swear to protect the American way of life: FREEDOM!!!