Freud said that sometimes a Cigar is just a Cigar and ment that on should not stress dream interpretation too hard, like those of his critques that state he'd all pinn it down on childhood sexuality.
This man is concerned, because he is living a way of American life that is under threat. Basically, he is a patriotic gun owner Veterane that will start a war, if there is good reason. Also against the Government, so. In our Euopean media these guys are refered to as Rednecks and put close to European fashists who adopt the Patriot word like German Nazis the Skinhead word. They are not. They are just strange.
This video so, of the incident is something we know here in Europe for some time causing special unneeded extra paragraphs of law that make no sence to Americans stating: That you need a law for? Racing downtown? ...and after a zip of a craft beer... An extra law? How many do you got? Laws?
As a matter of fact, that position is also the perfect spot to kill two high profile targets, if this was an underground war sending a message to all those in the same God dam sewage pipe of society.
We never know, do we?
but we can try to understand, as every mystic knows
Conspiracy theories thrive, also because our secret services are controlled by e.g BND 12 Vs 6.500
or because Dr Google is all on his own
we need change