Friday, 10 November 2023

My suggested New World Order

 A real dystopia

This Cyberpunk dystopia is a world in which all power is equally shared, but in constant dispute by intrigue, warfare and negotiations, between nations, mega corporations, towns, organised crime, militias, traders and capable individuals.
The Dark Sci-Fi Shadowrun and Cyberpunk genres are all based on the end of our monopole society in which the nation claims the right of violance and authorities wear uniforms, but the law does not apply to all equally.

We cannot achieve his Kindom come, we cannot create the communist society, nor will fashism rule above all other humans.

It appears that no nuclear war will create an Endzeit world, but our secret services are still run by addicted thieves off every law, the Germans still have never retributed for the Holocaust and no Republic gave all power to its stakes. Instead we continue to fĂ­ght with words and actions.

The West will fall.

This I will fight for during the crash coming.

Come and challange me, Nation, you have my copy rights and love and dog taken already. I am still breathing.