Some humans reach that phase in their mental development: Life just does not feel real. This is a step of becoming self aware, a constant process between birth and death.
Hudini was a master of illusion and wrote many most important books on how to create an illusion by forming based on perspective a controled impression on something that appears, but is something else, if just looked at from a different angle. Like Prince Willim showing the middle finger before getting into the limusine from the photographer's angle. Yet, he did not show any one to fuck off.
Our brain is processing information that is send by the nerve system from other organs. We therefore understand the world around us by an organ that has to rely on other organs such as the eyes, tongue and finger tips.
Understanding that everything around you is understood in a part that does itself on its very own not see or feel, but processes and interpretates reflection of light or preassure onto the nerves of the fingers or toes, makes you think about how much you can trust your eyes, fingers or taste.
Think, so you are.
There is.