Monday, 25 December 2023

A Yeti Vs A Goblin

This guy is the enemy in every Germans rising and world war scenario. He served in the German forces and put an oath on to protect a nation that was build in all key position by those that murdered humans like me by torturing them to death in factories for profit.
His training is based on taking ground in a war and the style of forward one man hidden position is one a SS man would have taken while the rest of his brigade rapes and murders a village close by to plunder them. 
The first thing that is different, is that he comes at night in a comouflage suite to take a fixed position he in no way can build during that night making me wonder at what time in a war the position was build. The observation point only overlooks a rather short distance with a road and he needs radio communication to pass on any information. Also only the position itself is hidden, but no path to and away from it.
A Partisan would only have appropriate clothing, arms and an additional cover looking for natural cover while always keeping an exit path clear being able to move when needed unseen, unheard and remaining unknown. 
Today these tactics are used by RECON soldiers, the actual very elite of the military throughout all branches, nobody knows about realy. 
A position like this in opposite, only makes sence when this is not your home area, because you would build a bunker or electronic surveillance system. It only makes sence, if you are limited in personal, do not intend to hold or keep the position for longer and therefore will move on yet await a possible enemy coming by looking for you.
Like a troop of soldiers looking, if any looting heards are striding through the area as they did for centuries, but now on trucks, automatic weapons and kanons possibly wearing fake uniforms....

Do you understand what realy happend in WW2?

death before dishonour

In that war Partisans were striding villagers that defended themselves against the Germans on their murder campaigen. Something the House Hanover did for centuries and that most likely triggered the Crusades, but this time on an industrial level. 
Partisans were hiding in quickly build nests, surrounded by in save distance watching guards, always on the jump to leave the place, if SS would come to finish the job by sneaking away or fighting out.
They would look for food in left empty and burned down villages, attack and defend against SS striding around to get more ammo and supplies or to just stay alive and hunt and fish in the back then still rich in wildlife great European woodlands. 
The Pols were saved by their woods and in towns by their social skills against a people believing in lies and conflict as base for a society always looking for their enemy: The Better.

Don't be a German, be a Partisan!

Their rat holes were spotted by light reflections, cigarette smoke, radio chatter and talking when coming closer being always build on the same design and spot qualification patterns with the always same paths and steps used.
It needs just good Strider abilities and a sharp blade than to get them either in their hole or on their crunchy crushy way...

IMHO, he did not build a surveillance or reconnaissance spot, but a fucking artillery position for a 105 six proper soldiers carry.

The Marine Basketball team, Bball is a no touch and strike game. Military insider jokes.