Friday, 22 December 2023

Corona is around, ignorance rules, and war is on...

The latest strain of Corona that causes again hospitalisations in India was first localized in Luxemburg. India media reports, Europe ignores.
Europe turned into the darkest part of the World by two world wars. In no other part of the world, wars are fought that ruthless and without any mercy, as here. No where is fear, anger and hate cultivated among political parties and subcultures, as here. 
Noone nowhere else will anyone understand, when Europe goes all in for another Total War, the way we fight.

Them, because they never left witnesses, we, because they never left witnesses. We won't give in to another, we talk to anger, we make contracts to know what will be broken, we fight to kill and the rest of the world won't be able to distinguish us from each other all in blood. 

I am not alone. I am just the worst against the worst of the bad.

TOTAL WAR inevitable. You asked for it, now its time we go for it.

Stay away from Europe
during the coming European Wars  

we'll collect a bill our way for that

Death before Dishonour