Modern psychology knows that this is needed by humans to be happy.
The only statistic we look at is... order to understand, if everybody is fine, everywhere. You have to understand that in the 80ies, when Hollywood shouted out that Greed Was Good and the HIV Virus struck through the most hedonistic parts of the rich world, in many parts of the 3rd world not even Physiological Needs such as clean water and nutritonal rich food was covered, because of the world wide Cold War impact. There is a corelation to human wealth and per head income, but until the 90ies we had cases of humans starving to death in also the developed world by a lack of homeless and free meal shelters, while the rich were on Cocain and in power.
Safety needs are still a problem for most average humans in the developed world. Many have savety concerns in dark public parks at night, fear armed robberies and wonder if their pention will cause a loss of material wealth. Now Imagine Moghadishu, Somalia as a black African woman back in the days of the movie Black Hawk Down or today's Kabul.
Belonging and Love needs are already higher level drives above surviving and birth rates of one and a half kids make sure that hardly anyone has a strong family in even the most developed nations. Facebook's main actualy success per core function is to stay connected to past close friends and distant parts of the family even on the move by attending a college far away or taking a job in a different town or abroad. And we all know how difficult it is to keep up and close, because instead we just understand how more we get distant over time. We can travell for a weekend to London from Vienna, but not financially afford it, to meet that guy from that party night from the Madrid trip a few years ago we connected to even so we felt connected and understood from the first moment on for a few hours.
Our self esteem is too often stupidly bad attempted to be tricked by receiving a Kudos on paper or a nice smile thank you well done in an all money business world and in some realy bad cases all great things are bluntly stolen to collect the respect. In Germany e.g. your nice ride will make sure Police checks on it, if it is just all according to the law the more proud you are about it, but not once. The West does not like esteem as in proud egos no matter the skin colour even until these days and if your clothes say NASA having three wholes per the shop already somehwere in Lagos, it is not helpful neither, I guess.
Continue yourself...
We are dirt poor on all important points.
We are slaves to our system.
I want to be happy in live with other happies
and if I have to kill for it
so the Free World gets fucked
as it fucks me
#centurion #deadhead
#gfyCIA #gfyBKA
so be it