This Max Headroom reports about another Max Headroom having some fun with mum. To answer the first question, the community is other Autists off attending the same physical school.
Everybody understands that this guy is hurrassing his mother, but hardly anyone understands what the Ödipussy Syndrom is and how dangerous this guy will be on Kokain for a 15 years old as soon as the neck tattoo turns patch.
He is constantly invading his mothers private space and even so receiving a clear verbal and physical reaction continues the sexual harrassment covered by smiles and arguments like he was the son, all preparing new attacks.
He got training from the Satan's Club parts of the Hells Angels based on CIA education teachings how to prepare mentally breaking women by physical and mental rape.
He also learns to be nice and welcoming to avoid getting the teath kicked in by guys like me. He learns how to bring women into situations in which he can start the procedure known as breaking in.
In the same way that you can break in a horse by love and joy, by playing and encouraging the natural drive of a horse, you can beat a horse and force a horse accepting a rider and saddle.
If I kill him, I will have to kill several dozent Polizei Officers shortly after, until they give up revenge attempts called arrest.
If he fails to get up in that hirarchy, he'll be having silicon done and a room just below the roof waiting for a hip job and a full cut, instead of turning doorman in their top clubs like Dorian Grey or Berghain. With make up and perfum having learned the right moves, you need some training to tell the difference ... to an Ox Rocker missing his Anabol shot by a day. #gfyHA
#getreadyBKA facing me intercepting your latest recruitement efforts by opening up a bloody homefront.
Massacre On Demand Vs MODernist
PS: Hamas: Looking for a target off the innocent bystanders? Be my guest.
PPS: Starting from 26:48, I am sure they do underestimate MS13 and Mexican Kartell punishement procedures, by lightyears....but will enjoy the designer drug cocktail of Latin American Syndicates as much.... #TheGermans ....because trying waterboarding or kuck gaming as reeferes is one thing, but noone with weed would try a 5V block battery on his balls, dudinas. Do you know what I mean????