Listening to this it appears after the frist few minutes, that there are major differences in Pro and National doping systems.
The Pros here appear to take on a client, give him a standard training plan most likely consisting of a leg and upper body split for five to six days and accomplish this with a set of medication on first low dosis to over the course of a few weeks see by looking at his character and body changes how to further adjust both weights and medication.
The National program first does a biosystem check. They basically first do a wide blood screening to understand the given hormon production of the body. They have to do two sets of screening, idealy three. The first one would be on a rather random day without preperation and having done no sport, basically a casual rest day in which noone called you mum died and no stress hormons flood your system. The second would be about one hour after having had a full meal and the third after a full training session close to exhaustion.
Based on the differences, knowing the nutrition intake in terms of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamines as well as liquids and which amout and kind of movement the patient did they get a very clear picture on the individuals body ability to produce all hormones relevant to modern sport medicine and than tailor based on a possibly software supported calculation the to be given even cheat doping tests...while regularely check the body system by blood screening and cancer tests.
If you are more into Rocky over the Russian, you train like Rocky and eat like Rocky, but get jocked about like .... Rocky??? Realy??? DAAAM!!!. ..when he is not around, but in your face, and will beat every Russian, if just Adrian is close by...
#LovePeaceAndHaromony #byouverhelmingweaponandwillpower #youhavebeenwarendinthe60iesAyrians
Another big problem is that these guys do not know how to discuss. They are, as a matter of fact, scientist, but do not work scientifically. They are both, and so is the entire scene, arguing in general terms wihout showing precise facts or being prepared to do so.
The food and work out plans can be possibly even asked for when just having the same gym membership. They will deny all participation in any illegal substances, but to everyone. Actually, they need to have a per client proper bookkeeping on all aspects. That is how many and which calories have been eaten, tracked by the client and based on the coaches plan, what training they were given and how the training was done by client, and obviously what other substances were given and taken, including precise time stamps on all parts of food, training and meds.
In the next step they need an Excel like software, also available on SourceForge for donation money, called spreadsheet software to add calculations creating scientific data such as:
Man, 20 years of age, 80 kilo start weight, 185 size, 12% body fat overall, 01.01.2222
carbs, rice, 500g, 02.01.2222
proteins, chicken meat, 300g, 02.01.2222
Bad Gear, 2mg, 02.02.2222
bench press, 100kg, 100kg, 100kg, break 1 min, 100kg, 100kg, 100kg, break 1 min 30 sec, 100kg, fail 80%, total fail
The spreadsheet ability to put single cell content into relation is turning this No corps in the cellar system onto scientifc levels by having precise data, if used honestly, that can be put into relation of rice per day, Bad Gear and fails. The problem is to find the right algorythm and at some point those that have beside a CD (corrupt doc) need a CM (corrupt mathematician), such as sport and mathematics lehramt, on the clients list.
Like: 500(of the rice) times days eaten times 2 (Bad Gear) times all weight, will create a different total summ for each client that can be compered, if devided by the body weight even across weight classes.
Changes of one part of the algorythm will have an impact on the total sum.
That is something they have to talk about, but it needs to happen in a secure and save manner considering the BKA wanting its share in either time or cash.
Get a CN (corrupt nerd) that can set up a small Linux computer with IRC and a VoIP extension on which also the spread sheet software runs and remember the login password.
Or go all Rocky....DAAAM!!
The core difference of that SubCulture being a defacto split of from TheGermans is that they only harm themselves, die quick enough to be no burden for others and want to live today, yet understanding that tomorrow will be of sorrows for them based on their way of living today, yet all agree to then not to complain as they choose yesterday with their free will.
Who saves one live, saves the world.
If I can choose the trains rail to ride over them or those that live onbehalf of others among my enemy, I choose the others to die without a second thought and figure out how to save them, as they just passed the train labeled TOTAL WAR
For His Kingdom Come