Read. Think. Understand.
Spots are made by Sebum production too much for the skin. Sebum is created by Bodybuilders, most likely by using Steroids such as Dihydrotestosteron. Sebum itself is made out of Triglyceride which is made out of Acyl and Glycerin.
To keep a long story short, you are using something too much that the body can only get rid off in a healty way by creating Acyl and Glycerin into Sebum. Like too much calories go to fat. Too much calories is all the body digests beside to get what he needs and cannot have leave as excrement.
Steroids are taken, to the best of my knowledge by pills through the stomach or by injection into the muscle tissue. I assume, and this means you can check the level of correctnes of this hypotheses, that most spots come with needles.
But now it gets fuzzy, because I am not into research of human body biochemics. I do not understand in detail collerations of the body reacting with his given bodychemics and added artificialchemics, in the meaning of you have by just eating as supposed and adding by a needle which is bad.
How ever, reading into how Dihy_something works with the membrane of body cells I quikly come across these aminoacids: Alanin, Phenylalanin, Leucin, Isoleucin, Valin und Threonin, of which many are used as supplements.
A supplement itself is not bad at all, but nobody understands in depth the complex human body biochemcs. Every Street Doc specialised into MuscleMania understands too many spots too much Bad Gear.
I strongly suggest you also track the intake of these Aminos, food that contains these Aminos, Appetite towards food that contains these Aminos and the Spots, please.