Sunday, 10 December 2023

Tate & Us Loosers

We are loosers, because we will never speck a Car with two mirrors. Listening to the whole thing, he starts to hit a point that already Bill Gates reached and that is a very common spot of no return for all those into Mammon.

He said, was it about the car or about surpassing everyone?

Bill Gates was the guy that got bullied by your version in his High School and you'll be neither ever as rich nor as anyong has him considering the product he sold...but you are not about being rich. You wanted to surpass everyone around you. So did he, but on Ivory League Turff.
You are equals and one will never get to Harvard, the other never enter a Ring;
But you can learn from him. He made it on his battleground to the top player and now mastered a different one by warning about today. One year in advance having found filantrophy before.

Not even Micheal Jordan made that. You suck in Baseball, period, but if it makes you feel better, Brady won't drive NASCAR, granted.

If you cannot pull anyone onto your battleground, as I do for US Provos with The Germans, you need to find another one. Not enemy: war!

Make sure its a good one. It would be a pitty. You amuse me, Tates.

IronClad The Goblin. 
King of Trolls