to save the system. These guys think within the system and speak infront of the frustrated of the system. The short fat guy, next to the handsome ski guy, is an expert on the banking system and predicted correctly from his perspective that the German banks are done and that a mega fusion will make it just worse. And it did not happen. Deutsche and Commerz Bank are still bad siblings and no couple.
In the first few minutes he suggests between the lines that a controlled crash scenario is on the table in which every entety within the system that is in inefficient debt gets killed over rescued. No too big too fail anymore.
This way they would not have to print more money, because the money would start striding through the systems parts again being released from being assets on the balance sheets. Even if the stock portfolio lost 40% of theoretic value, but practical value on the balance sheet, before finding a buyer of the bankrupcy manager aka Undertaker it would not increase the overall amount of money having no negative impact on inflation, but possibly create cash flow streams again stabalizing prices by more cash in each pocket.
The Undertaker would need to pay bills from the cash generated, but way below those that usually get the biggest stake of central bank cash, the investement bankers, all asset classes would even so by a crash, but hit realistic international levels and possibly attract forigne investements....
...if you would not have fucked with the rest of the world anal big time....just saying...dry...
I am trying to say, to late, mate, we all have a date, sade and cruel, with a lot of fuel for a different level of heat, sweet in dead, you are dead meat!! Try to beat me!!