Friday, 29 December 2023

TussyInc SWAT

So, Joe, how does it go?
Well, I can see you are stressed out. so how is The Office project doing?
Great. I am bussy pushing the cash around. The trick is to school the women infront of the clients at the right moment having them AGAIN in totally inapropriate business professinal dress looks while getting a perfect Machiatto onto the table. Sooooo, we have fourty mill in investements last month alone and all women that hit the parking lot at the very right moment made two million each on top in luxerious presents. One reached five, by the step mum strategy...
She did? They are worse than us, dude.
Oh yeah she's got two golfers on her leish now. Only one knows from the other, so.
And dropped some about golf resort party to some more of her friends. She might come up to you with some safe codes.
Great. Looking forward to meeting them. Bye, Joe and get some rest.
Fuck you Jim. Thanks.