This Max Headroom gives since some time a good picture on the ground in the Ukrainian battelfield. Here he comments in detail on "the American strategy", of not my America. The idea of that strategy is to move in one big pack against the Ukrainian forces.
There are some things doomed to fail, from my perspective. Such as all based on incorect information grounds. The strategy of one big concentrated force moving against an enemy, is fully outdated since WW1 and prooven to be outdated since WW2.
Until military mechanisation the two Generals looked for a battle ground to give their own best survival and the enemy highest death chances. With exorbitant aggrevated supply lines the battlefield of WW1 turned by using mechanised weapons and supply lines into total deathfields.
By also mechanising the troops WW2 created beside fierce battle grounds also a war against civilians that until WW1 lived next to the battle grounds and now faced blunt murder by troops on lorries, that would never ever would have made it into their borrows in WW1. Trucks and Trains were easily available for ammo, but not for troops and civilans.
Today, warefare got hypersonic, all digital. Speed matters as much as precision and social skills. A hypersonic rocket needs digital aquired information shared based on social interactions to be deadly against an enemy using fast changes of position based on information acting as a unit across the lines and levels of comand.
War is social now. Anti-Social Assholes will die. They won't get or ignore cruxial information while the empathetic human will survive. You loose by dying in war, soldier General.
The war in Ukraine started by a part seperating. Then the remaining part looked for partners to keep its territory and now we have on one side The West's fashists in their Great Wat against the ultimate bad guy in form of the Ex-Communist Russian that until now fights with a wild mix of Seperatists willing to defend their UN right of self-determination, war happy recruits from Russia up for action and criminals that consider a battle ground better than prison.
No side is using Special Forces or even long serving soldiers such as French Forigne Legion, SAS; Green Berrets, Navy Seals, Royal Marines, Parachut Regiments or National Guard and Boarder Control and what Russia and Ukrain have alike.
Those need usually a good reason to fight. For oil was border line. Try a big one, big boys....GO TRY!!!