Thursday, 21 December 2023

Understand the level of excellence

This is TIE. This is quite accuratly those things that sometimes happen in Europe, these things turn movie, because one of these Basketball players came up from right below hitting street turff. Most here tend to belive all unquestioned they learn on MTV about Ghetto Kids and Rednecks, as many believe imediatelly that Hollywood action is realistic with the exception of all labeled as Sci-Fi.
Just Europe....just nuclear drop zones....not even BKA...and you should know better being the root cause by being build by SS men and SS men only.
Ger ready for a hardcore version of the 90ies, ignorant loosing blitz. It will take a while...

All Nazi organistaions work a lot on drugs and with fear, anger and hate. They all struggle with cold blooded precision. The drugs bounce back so, if facing what they call a psycopath. If military excellence and psy talent meet, it is a Witcher Knight. The best is a Dark Knight King, an wholesome all in on the Bushido path. PS: Even in the German law system cold blood is punished while drug high goes free. This nation is Nazi made and there is only good Nazi. R.I.H.

The Kliniker Brücke Offices Island Vs Spear Head Frontline Nuclear Drop Zone
until death parts

Imagine the BKA refused to keep me in that and now this will be in need in deed, because of a medication inflicted ego and authority problem based on no humor what so ever. #Muhahahahaha