Saturday, 30 December 2023

We serve neither King nor Kaiser

 and the German right wing is about to take power. They are two wings. The lesbian consultant for the big buisness and the right wing guy for the rest. In his first few minutes the latter is making friends with all the fake locals that got their identeties by driving out the originals into the deep far East of Krima and beyond, by mentioning the 30 Years of War. 
This phrase shows how to read inbetween the lines to understand what realy happend:
Im Dreißigjährigen Krieg kämpfte er (Wallenstein) auf Seiten des Kaisers und der Katholischen Liga gegen die Protestantische Union. Ab 1625 war er zweimal Oberbefehlshaber. 1634 fiel er in Ungnade und wurde von kaisertreuen Offizieren ermordet.
It saist that a infamous General, TheGermans until today glorify in the tradition of Adolf Hitler creating his thousand years of legicy for Germay, was first fighting on side of the Emperor of what is called the Holy Roman Empire and its ally the Kathlig League to then be murdered by the Emperors officers...

I am sorry we did not get that looting piece of motherfucking shit earlier, in a time every fucking horseman on alcohl and way too many mushrooms that we said ain good at all was hiding in rat wholes and horse shit bunkers when ever avoiding Thieve Kinghts hunting Thieves and Juden Mörder murdering Jews, to fuck him up for wearing our uniforms to sneak into villages....and that we made the last treaty of that war with you at the rim of your swampland instead of burning it all down. But than; We had no Napalm.... continue with phrases such as that the German history had dark moments, but they also gave almost everything in philosphy, in music and science, still using the same old strategy of proclamation and false flag actions. 

Fuck You TheGermans. Do try again. You will get your race war with your Confeds and Buren all along. Be ready for the bloodshed. We won't do some msitakes again. Promised.

Iron Clad, The Goblin
Well up for another go.


PS: He for well knows the real history. I just wonder, if he knows that there are still some around that would drive a wooden stompf through his anus into his head and put him on display so the innocent feel saver again. Tradition is Tradition. You said....