Friday, 5 January 2024

Max Headrooms - The Jet Society

I guess that is the most important comment, but most possibly also the only one, all about things I wil never step in. I managed Harrod's, but I will find an excuse for these items. I want a Pitts. Period. And will upgrade the engine....
Until than there is now a good chance that this man won't go out of business, because of Russian intercontinental rockets no matter the warhead, if I managed to confice all parties that our turff is much cooler and profitable than any battle filed, despite opportunities such as Iraqs Gold. All of it. gfyCIA

If no real idiot shows up and blows the planet into pieces aka an astroid belt by hijacking a standard nuclear bomb we might see a new form of war. The Confederates and their Allies from German Nazis to South African Buuren will not change their lifestyle of dominance, segregation, exploitation and blunt theft using all means, but the environment all changed.
No Jew will without a fight pack his suitcase and go on any train trip by force as much as the real European Aristocracy does not negotiate again with anyone no matter the fire power or titel, no matter how they got hold of it.
The others in this world became more powerful and at least the nuclear option is off the table. Those suicidal and stupid among those considering tyranny an option to rule are outnumbered even amog their own. The Holocaust was one step too far even for slave farm missing Confederates and also Buuren understant that it needs a planet to enjoy the planet and its farms.

Jet business is a very important niche to understand the rich ruling money in our society. The better the sales the more the rich actually share their wealth. It is incredible how much corporations give their employees by business trips in hotel accomodation, restauration bavarage, cantine food and travell spendings. There is no wip, there is treats in the Corpo World. Pleasure torture is better than pain...

The problem of my enemies is that in this Hell's Kitchen that was a special zone of the CIA, had extrateretorial grounds by U.S. military barraks, a dark hidden history of the Germans exchanging the locals today living around the Wolga and Krimea, and a boy that was quite talented in both singing and killing to survive, is that they cannot break me, that nice and good means hardcore here and that until now all I said turned out to happen while theur predictions on reaction on their actions was alwayws badly wrong. You died were I did vacation and now you choose a terrorist campaigen wa? I will answer PsyOps BKA psychological torture with hardcore violance....just wait for it.

The Middle East will go further into flames, Europe will follow and I will kill German Polizei in the hundreds for the live I had here starting wihtin this year. Germans can not have a nation. If they don't come for the siege, I got hunt. The U.S. borrows are save by the CIA pushing my brothers through military education and actualy paying the modern gladiators in NHL & NBA and all sports fair, but the Nazi kids continued to bully and anger everybody else from the French, to the Russians, from the poor to the creative, they seeded hate as hidden from the media as what a Crip'n'Blood is from MTV.

This way the war that the CIA by Nazi Officers help brought to all the rest of the world will come back here, as we all deserve it and now will be fought our way at home. Jet sales will rise in the developed world by them returning forces, especially if someone starts to push old and retired planes into South America, Africa and Oceania to build more companies like Air Columbia running old DC-3 creating wealth among the most remote of the poor. And I am still shure them can pull a fright glider plane.
Provos, unseen, unheard, unnoticed, as a Terrorst Gang in the Lighton Barraks organising underground GI parties (Project X did happen and the DJ set was looted from Germans) helped to create a base for others in the northern hemisphere to help the poor, but without weapons.
Just, the wars we fought by all social engeneering using phones and e-mails, by fighting in U.S. uniforms pentagon funded or on assassine runs that were turned into Hollywood movies using CIA CCTV systems will continue, but in Europe with Germany as the root cause bad in its center and I will be a proud war criminal in this war to come. Eye for Eye, Nazi, Tooth for a Tooth, German. You get back what you tought me. HATE IT IS.