Tuesday, 2 January 2024

No classic war NATO against Russia

There is one side that did not stick to any contract ever and that also took from my people and me. I do not have to ask twice whom to support.
Either there is a major frontline with classic means of warfare and most likely millions of direct war casulties or I manage to convince the stronger in the conflict to create a war zone like this....Heat

The objective of Russia is a system change in the meaning of taking revenge on all those in The West that broke every single contract since the Sowjet Union fell. The mighty in The West were able to break these contracts based on being in top position of a hirarchical defecto monopole system having willing helpers by threat or corruption. 
They also exploid millions within their system having created millions of nine to five slaves that they will turn into canonfodder just as Ukraine started to recruite Ukrainian nationals for the war, if Russia comes in full arms.
Than, there are groups already with only one foot anymore in the system under constant hurassment by the interior secret services in a dangerous balance game of illigal activity and high demand on drugs and sex among those that are in power.
There are also millions off the system in a hard life. The people of La Haine running away from both Police and Gangs being outgunned and threatend by repression of their families. The children of Pappillion.
Also, there are still capable para-military forces around most famously the Provitional IRA, but also the real Camorrah and Cosa Nostra have comperable forces even so not mentioned by the main media, being very motivated to take their name and reputation back from the mighty continuing their liberation war.

On different levels of expertise and training we are all willing to get rid of the Holocaust profiteurs that rule above us from us. From housing credit slaves to trigger happies....we want for us, at least some.

Russia needs to get closer to its allies all around the silk road and use the contacts of old allies in Latin America and Africa to make contact with these groups. Some Kartells are like Camorrah disguised in the media, Africa has a strong ANC now with national support with contacts into European and US borrows under surpression by the same humans enemy to Russia. The provitional IRA is still strong and their borrows from Glasgow to deep into London suffer from inequality due to market abuse and law enforcement that needs violant military response to stop enforcing inequality.

This war can be fought by para-military groups taking the conflict of the 1960ies onto a new level with more direct support for the poor and surpressed that struggle buying even food by having their shops and transport business closed down, that will face inappropriate punishment for smoking hemp, but get pushed into hard drug sales, that have to study in national schools facing profiling and certainly may not have a party anytime without facing national repression or gang attacks. Like Gaza strip residence we work in their companies and are only sligthly better payed, but our turff has no fence and is way bigger, easier to defend, except we face NATO Vs Russian as an Artillery war machine with us in their uniforms to die for them.

Steeling food for underground shops from monople companies. Stripping monople chains off consumer electronics. Building pirate radio stations and computer networks. Protecting underground restaurants from Police and restaurants. Steeling cloths from main monople brands. Taking our logistics hubs. Falsification car registrations for GTA vehicles. Printing cash. Maintaining maps of save passage free of national control. Defending against and countering attacks of Police and national supported Gangs by para-military forces with military equipment will, instead of bringing civilians to the frontline and into even more abuse by a war economy, bring chaos to the national hirarchical system taking away their base of power: A simple system.

What you think?
When did you have had direct or allies have vacation in Londenderry, Saint-Denis, Krakow, Budapest, Madrid, Lisboa, Marseille, Palermo and check on weed prices, food profit, restaurant prices, consumer electronics profits to understand the market, as you most likely understand where the powder crews hang out already, please? 
If you or we in the progress of building a parallel system that will after the fall of the existing order be a new, but trustful partner start bombing and assassination runs in Milano, Rome, Düsseldorf, Munich, Paris 1er, Nice, Zürich Zentrum, Geneve Quartier de Banques, London City and Westminster, you'll win without mass artillery use and an economy on war production, but you will need to build up secret services and social analytics, push bomb and gun making books into our borrows, provide intel to para-military groups willing to take our national system law enforcement, create tactical and strategical underground warfare literature and even build training camps in The West.
A Blitzkrieg is an illusion considering the amount of weapons of mass destruction and the absence of a moral concious of the powerful and their Policing organisations in The West, but we all know how hard they struggle with complex systems being as dump and arrogant as mean and violant.

A real Hell's Angel. For daddy. RIP.

Rule Nr 1.