Thursday, 4 January 2024

Stem Cell Miracle

for a Delta Force CIA Operative. The reason why someone without a major Leukemia problem has to go abroad and outside the USA for a stemm cell therapy is that Stem Cells are harvested from blood donations. Blood donations are rare and the amount of bood packs, blood plasma and certainly blood donations to harvest stemm cells is limited by donators Vs sever need for blood.
Guess who gives blood in Mexico to a private hospital...those that are broke because of Fetanyl Row harbouring IT pros.

We also had in the past a comperable nation collaps scenario. The Roman Empire was as inequal within as The West is today. The difference is only that the Romans kidnapped humans, but were not able to exploid natural resources from their neighbours.
The Romen Empire fell by inner intrigue getting out of hand, revolt from the inside by slaves and 3rd class citizens demanding better treatment and finally outside armed forces beating the Roman Legions liberating Roman towns from the Emperors tyranny.

The Roman Empire had a 3 class citizen system. The first citizens were the citizens of the town of Rome that had up to one million habitants and by that number in the anitque was an unmet giant in population relative to the world population of less than about 100 million humans. Those had full vote rights, traded and had slaves and were free of charge when attending the Gladiator fights. They also did not have to serve in the military, but were part of the Senate, if voted. 2nd class citizens lived also in Rome, but were send abroad regularely. They were owning large farms and trade companies, were military Officers and slave catchers and drivers, teachers and body guards and had when being in Rome voting rights. There was no mail voting system and they were not allowed to take on a state office or be voted. The 3rd class of citzens were the staffing of all companies and all citizens in all conquered terretories not turned into slaves by prosecution or bad luck, former slaves that served their way up by being mistresses or loyal or lucky and they had no voting rights, but were on demand having military time. The worst place was apperantly the northern wall barraks facing the Scots. If turning Centurion and successfully comanding a force of kidnapped enslaved humans they could rise further up. The last and least were slaves....


Fuck You even harder...and

If one man can stand against a Kartell or Polizei than that one man is called a Knight in the very opposite of Hollwood having Robin Hood in green tights we are more like Iron Clad challenging the worst to bring us our death before dishonour while the dishonour of those running is to letting loved once behind for their own cowardnes sake.

PS: Do you know how much resources a on charge electric wire grid needs to hold the charge, because beside your fridge using also the wire has a resistance that the electricity has to overcome, taking electricity? 3rd world countries that have a mix of decentralised electric generators off grid and a main grid turn of parts of the grid to save resources. Obviously they will equip a hospital with an independent and therefore also more efficient electric generator, build smaller power stations next to industrial or other energy needing business real estate and for well can turn off the grid in those parts that don't need sitting energy, like in housing estates during night time and some day time when most left for work or school or sleep tight, along with no work no use times in business real estate, while we build nuclear power plants for obvious savety reasons far away from the demand with very very long even badly insulated wire systems, because we are bunch of ignorant mother nature fucking idiots having a splendid life....or who does 2200+ office hour in a bank building, please.