From a quite well informed source I have heard that NATO intends, or that some Think Tanks suggests, that building a main air force base in somewhere close to the Russian Finish boarder and just about at the Polar Circle will end the tenure of the Russian Baltic Fleet in St.Petersbourg.
Like retreating from Krimea was an option...
First of all, that smart alerk somewhere in Pullach or Langely should check the existing experiance of air force bases of NATO in the very same weather conditions, please. Where I do a vacation trip to get my Chi back in place, air force guys will have a hard time. Army strong, Infantry pride.
The hangars need to be heated, the air planes constantly de-iced, the runway will be a UV Christmastree for about six month or an ice skating paradise, all pathways must be connected by underground tunnels or snow shipping mechanized brigade becomes a thing, beside Russia giving you a main Fuck You by pulling fast break out boats from if needed as far as Vladivostok to St.Petersbourg just to bully you, despite moving miles in rowea of rocket systems on wheel tanks, so you can actually see them, out of their Ural bunkers.
Why would you believe that what failed on Ukraine at one of their top three Naval bases, would work at the port securing their second most important town that is realy realy special to Russias pride?
Just don't fucking touch it, like the Bernstein Zimmer is gone because SS on gear will not be able to dessamble shit, but break it.... and lie about it for obvious reasons.
The only chance you have, NATO idiots, is to build defence circles around parameters of main importance and letting down on all areas of no strategic importance, if the bear comes for the rabbits, giving them a tight and close supply line fight while stretching their supply lines to a thousand kilometers and limiting their maximum attack size.
Like, if you have 20 men outside and your door is 1 meter wide; How many at a time can make it through, especially if you have a baseballbat for anger management issues...while outside on the road instead...