Wednesday 31 January 2024

Wanna be Underground

The Mossad is one of those Gangs that is most full of themselves. This was not a perfectly planned acion. Most likely, everybody else, except them was able to recognize them even still having the guns hidden. They did basically The Punisher Hospital scene, but in a pack and on drugs as standard procedure for the big Nazi collaborator organisations of CIA, MI5 and MI6, BND and sadly Mossad.
It is not that difficult to scare hospital staff. Berlin Clans manage to do so, too.
Noone of the Underground will give a perfect moving pattern to a CCTV cam anywhere close to his target, except he starts giving a major fuck, like The Punisher in the TV series based on Provos Vs CIA Narco Devision all in Hells Kitchen The Valley in the 90ies.
Underground would be to figure out which room they are in an put a well aimed sniper round from a far distant other building through their heads. It would be, if they are in for therapie, exchanging the medication against something poisining or even better keeping the heads, but starting to listen to the their decisoin making process in order to predict them and following their comands given to intervene with their organisations actions for your own benefit.
You well could have taken a few Jeeps, come in Uniform all in arms, and did the same. This way you turned yourself into another prime excample of the War on Drugs side fights for everyone that is underground knowing about your intake to deal with the stress cutting down on training and only some of those believing in MTV being the National Geogrpahic of Street Coltoure will respectfully understand your message the way you like it.

A bit of thinking, helps world peace. Antisemetism is always hate and a problem, assholes.