Sunday 28 January 2024

Was ich denk und tu

 trau ich jedem anderen zu. All I think and do, I think everybody else does to.

Several times the Ukrainian forces tried a spear heading breach of the Russian lines with the ambitous aim of reaching the sea to devide the Russian controlled Donbass and then push them, having a two front situation, back to fucking Moskow....actually Siberia, I guess.
Obviously, someone off every drug test due to his badge will look in fear at that map above and Kaliningrad already is the tear of their ego.
Fucking Hell.

You have 90.000 men in arms in this latest war game and would need about 1 Million comperable to all men in arms of WW2 for the entire campaigne to kick off any war strategy based on your view onto the battlefield. Beside, that is not the battlefield. That is Europes east where you will have hundreds to thousands of battlefields, will loose incredible amounts of soldiers, material and infrastructure, displace possibly 10 Million humans and kick off mass riots, if you should demand national armed service to which the 60ies will have been a nice Hippi Musik Concert in comparison, because everybody goes broke currently and you'r' fixing up for war.

Is there realy no chance to retire the Old Nazi Mind Sets in the NATO high comand and this way leave the Secret Services alone with human trash like us and the FSB, ANC, FARC, Cosa Nostra, because an underground war is granted considering the latest news, but also missing out on a large scale military operation doomed to wreck and fail, but have no good at all?
We all understand you cannot just close down CIA, NSA, ATF, BKA and BND. We got stuck with them for some time. 

Than I have to recomend the FSB to start with targeted assassinations of all within The West that could be compared to Hans Martin Schleyer no matter the passport focusing on the so called Military-Industrial-Complex. #provos #peacekeepingterrorists