Tate is the G, The Bauligs the German Gs and that is no G it is an Entrepreneur. Despite economical downturn I actualy do trust them stating that they managed to increase turn over of their clients by the hundreds adding a diggest. The ugly one of the two, the other is the sporty one, even states that there might be no comperable success story of Consultants in all of Europe. Another good point and actually it is two groups, all in Germany.
Germany was called for years by the FT the Deutschland AG, because the economy was tightly connect like in no second place. Buying in from the outside was practically impossible. These Consultants do not fish in the main German corpo waters, but everyone they worked with has an old friend from University that chose the corpo P.I.G. lifestyle and the Germans are different.
Corporate World has its won rules and rituals. Usually, someone travelling can tell by the suite and how they wear the suite, the nationality and as often all business is actiually rather local within the national market.
I am sure that none or almost none of their clients has a client beyond the boarder, speaks any other language fluently and considers himself on an English no problem level. My problem are those that will insist in Brixton the woman is mumbling behind the counter....
The EU failed or was hijacked by the main corporations. The Bauligs are successful as all based on survival of the fittest. Therefore they must be together with Dirk Kreuter the Super Germans of business and Entrepreneurship. If you are like them or like to become like them even as a bad copy you will score some success, right to the boarder of the FRG.
But Europe turned the richest place on Earth even richer than China based on how many could afford a cow during the Renessaince when each town spoke several languages and no country had boarders past the gates of town or castle. After feudalism turned victim to Plague and War no one was given a bad eye for not speaking the local language or dialect and today the media in Germany has a lough at the first Main to Danube channel that did see large quantitis of Asien and Arab products arriving in the woodlands of central Europe. Those living on these boats were the merchants themselve and spoke more than one language. Today's truck drivers fight overweight, but cannot exchange with the Polish driver next to them any news and all they know about that guy is from a media that considers them lesser humans, because of what they do, not how.
This is the Dark Modern Times, yet I wish them happiness, even those Super Germans so different from me and me alike.
PS' I do not make grammer mistakes. You don't understand English, asshole.