every single action even years ahead.
You remind me of what I realy am.
It is not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I am just thinking
for headding and your heart was breaking
I have been wrong, I have down into the bottom of every bottle
Please stop / These words in my head scream haven' we fun yet
Now you check wiki on the offical artsits bio after having read this blogg in which I blame the CIA and BKA as affiliate of Copy Right Theft telling that we used their major distributon chain to have all of England sing "By now you should know what the Nazis do. Do you want tbe my Wonderwall."
we get our Nickles back
The rats are waking up now understand what the Wulf eats from next to them
packs hold
I am fine
sitting right in their nest
feasting or leaving
their call
what could have been ment by rewriting an ending instead of an Hollywood horror?
Happy ending?
Scared about the future lately
for Anne Frank
Officer Satin Crew The Blanket Boy?