Tuesday 26 March 2024

An Oligopole Market Excess

and the lack of Aristocratic leadership of the House of Hanover's inheriters manifests badly in Stoke-upon-Trent. To fix this against market laws is why there is still an Aristocratic system that instead needs to battle tabloits and now even cancer.
The town is actually in a very potent area of Great Brtiain just inbetween Birmingham and Manchester in the UKs heart of manufacturing. But based on that system that manufcturing never managed to escape the big corporations into solid small companies having worse conditions in The Cities financial industry. 
Unfairly worse.
Towns such as Stoke-on-Trent or upon as you prefer, are limited by the main players able to shape by economic means entire regions into housing real estates or their human resources working in the big towns near by and all around.
In the USA the situation is different and next to, but also way off the big market playes, small companies can and do provide a good living for the humans. The best social security is a sold job is still national doctrene to rule the people in the USA.
Thatcher changed the economy and saved a lot of wealth, but Thatcher also was never a person of the underdogs, the small time entrepreneurs having their hands dirty, their faces in the sun or swapping small bank notes, but constantly and continously.
All these empty shops could host small and tiny companies based on second hand goods, cheap goods and small turn over, if the banking industry and tax men would support that lifestyle as they finance Top Gs a Lamborgini based on a leasing contract knowing that many will give back the car and fail to fullfil the contract, while hitting hard on flexible loan payments for the underdogs just trying to make a living.
In this system that I named accomulating capitalism those with big number turn overs are able to easily receive loans or signe contracts on hidden loans such as car leasing contracts and even real estate investements, but already the average earner will face way higher hurdles to get even a small time loan to finance any enterprise estimating to als make small turn overs.
There will be no hang out chill caffees, second hand record shops, or low price bars and restaurants that attract humans that will do little spending, but stay a long time bringing live back into the city. Instead they have to spend their money for the frenchaise in the big city lunch time and if you have no money or that already, you might be soon walking through those empty borrows, becasue the sytem also fires the low earners first, no matter how good your work was done.
This is the end of the interest based monetary system in which the richest have not to work at all, because you did not work at all.
An upleleveling fund will invest into buildings, but as you can see it is not buildigs missings, but humans. Such investements are needed in school infrastructure where people are or at least have to be, but an appropriate building is missing.
Cokaine was the drug of the high society in the 80ies? Looks like they are still not touching ground, yet.
Try pot instead. I told you.