Sunday 31 March 2024

Another Crew of TheGermans

This is the rich Cowboys of TheGermans. If having a ride with your ride through those parts of all of Germany that are away from the main cities, but all around the plenty smaller towns and drive from village to village to sometimes find a small town just below the 100.000 citzen mark, you will find that the main connecting roads are in perfect shape. 
All Real Estate around Bundesstrassen having same F1 race track level finish is inhabitet by the high pay University degree holding doctors, ingeneers and even managers of the large upper middclass having invested in solid build real estate and all electronic gadgets for decedes with filled up cellars and well build double garages for their low milage motorcycle, second car and a car per four head family each.

Fuck you! Don't waste your BePo on me. BKA at least is in theory is into Counter Terrorism you Wiesentheid LSH Crew Fucks. And just pay back as you owe me....


Max legal load 7.5. Several engines and sizes. Most stable chassy. High acceleratoin and max speed. Loaded correctly it is the racer under the small trucks. #TIE also as rentals
all esle would be customs