Wednesday 27 March 2024

How the Buren saved their Apartheid money

 Pretty much like the Nazis did, with the excpetion of having to abandon all on South African soil, while the Nazis still have the Federal Republic of Germany and it is called abusing the internaional banking system.

Actually, only those Buren that were in cash intensive business managed to trasfer their bank inlays by no more than a SWIFT system transaction these amounts into inernationaly known safe harbours preferable within CIA ruled terretory.
The rich made it. Some even managed in the predictabiliy of the end of their tyranny to transport by air and ship cargo furntiure, gold, jeweler and luxerious items to international safe harbours like the UKs Carribiean Islands, The Netherlands, Germany, Cypress, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina and Panama. 
Save from all legaly operating organisations having to rely on slow burocratic international exgtradition systems....

The more ground FARC will gain in South and Central America and their Cockain supply chain gets weaker or even turns against their surpressors understanding that money does not stink, but the origin of it fuck for well can, the more limited are their potiential refuges considering also their at least arrogant attitude in their daily lifes towards all surroundings everywhere having to retreat into areas in which all attitude can be balanced by cash. If Europe falls into turmoil or is stuck in a major classic war, they will leave first preparing to come back again finding all others native to Europes values weakend.