When coming under fire, like the Warrior CIA Delta from on 6 o'clock, there is no shame in running. Warriors tend to stay in the fight to long. The Citizen Soldier used his fear to push the grenate off the rim saving his life, while Warriors ignore their sences like fear.
The Delta Tier 1 Operator should have taken down the most dangerous targets and while his commrads take the attacker under fire use cover, staying in cover, to reach a new position in a save distance hiding.
If the attackers loos touch they will focus on the commrads in a large distance, but having the wrong gear to counter. After a regrouping the Deltas could counter attack or by visible retreat lead the enemy into a trap. That's why studing the map includes all retreat pathes from fastest to best cover.
Choose a side Warriors. #WW4
PS: Able possibly only passed out as a side effect of the amphetamin you use. He'd need to check pulse on the necks arteria. If this is gone he still has 3 minutes and 1 to not suffer from long term brain damage. This means the medkits powder on the wound, binding the wound, reanmiation by heart and mouth idealy with a portable small electric shoker, pulling him than off the line of fire into savety. No one gets left behind. Big Red One likes funerals in covins. Period.