Sunday 31 March 2024

Sniper Battles

 Sarajevo was not exactly a Sniper Battle. Sarajevo saw a Nazi group of Serbs most likely recruited among Mercenaries take the market under fire hitting civilans.
A Sniper Battle is actually a Recon Mission in which either a lone wolf, team or entire platoon starts striding through any terrain that sees enemy snipers.
The Sarajevo Snipers were ended by French Legionairs taking counter positions all around the only target. In a Sniper Battle both sides would stride around looking for each other and more enemy targets to hit and sneak away. Knowing the turff, becomes crucial, Parkour key to survive a retreat and patience wins drops.

This well can happen in any appeaced terretory using only Pistols. Sniper does not need a rifle, because it means sure shooter.