Sunday 31 March 2024

So, if

The Dragon of GoT killing everyone ending that shit show after her death is Dune, than Dune is the War in The Witcher and now think of the Witcher and the Musician and Han Solo and Chewy.....

I am gonna freak out, if the Millienium Falcon is a Hot Hatch for real except it all looks like Vs Night City to me, but I start stopping all sober allways then granted.


It is not a lot of space in the back for two men.
Aaaaach waaaahhhsss.
Don't worry.

And we will need only 4h?
YES. Turbos.
.....somewhere next to a ice cream bar in Theilheim a local and the Germans for unity with the west francs....

The others aleady called my used hatch Red Arrow. No changes, no modifications, just refusung to drive like Germans, so, you know ....  it is not that off realy considering how stubbornly the Germans are insisting on being stupid every single opportunity. Would you fuck with me??? See!!!