Saturday 30 March 2024

Top G or MOD

Despite the OGs I grew up with, there are some differences between Top Gs and MODs. As a matter of fact every sinlge OG I met that served in the US military over prsion time prefered turning MOD over Top G, which started by Sean Combs and Biggy on MTV.
MODs demand their rightous place among society and their ways accepted, respected and appreciated.
Sadly, for all OGs coming from Hip-Hop it is the same violant and bloody war that also the Rockabillys fought in the 50ies watching their colours, flags, dress style and music bluntly stolen by national institutions undermind by fashists and slave owners seeking for their privilges reestablished.
The Banlieu do not throw stones at Gendermarie to sell drugs, but to keep those protecting the drug sales by punishing them when attacking successfully those undermining the social structures and safety of their neighbourhood. In France this is especially sickening and betraying fundamental French principles of coltoure.
Ils somme les people, les people de une Republic, leur droit ce la force, ce la liberty de force pour liberte, egality et fraternite de tous! Les droits de Revolution humaine! Vive la republik, Vive LA FRANCE VERITABLE.
MODs are the modern version of the French citizens that fought in the French Revolution, that wrote down the first written human righs and citizen rights. Those that created the Republic, just in a different environment. The Stewards prepared good ground to defend all in english.
No Policemen can take away a mens right to bear arms, hold him arrested, demand him against his will and most certainly not interfere with his loved once, but this needed a civil war against a drugged and ignorant feudalist Aristocracy that lost European values of Moses, Jesus or Aristoteles and Odysseus and had turned alien to mankind and the people they lived among.
In Ireland that needed the Provitional IRA and in England of the same time handsome, well dressed men ready for a brawl anytime challanged in their way of life with Rockers and Police.

I am in Germany. They build Gas chambers and did not change attitude, the world just changed. Guess what how this is gonna go down....on decades of copy right theft and threats? 
I have now time for you. Exclusively.

#provos #Deathbeforedishonour