boys is like that guy taking cover behind that tree in 01:08 German interior forces, ours they turned into Hollywood movies.
There is more sides in me than The Goblin's mean jokes... Do as told.
And where does this might realy come from?
It is long and thin and rather soft and leaves a mark
until the 80ies
PS: Watching the latest manouvers it appears that you have lost your capability during the last asymetric wars to coordinate larger amounts of enteties simultainously, but I am sure that you also have not created Officers that can act off order and comand on a Brigade level.
The Russians want those that profitet from the Holocaust and keep breaking contracts gone off politics and influential positions in The West, which can happen internaly or by killing you Soldiers by them having the ability of coordinating larger troops.
So, what if Russia with China creates a maouver reaching from Munsk to Chechnia attacking card board towns in between with all troops available across all forces in coordination like the Machina WW scenario? The problem is that might scare them so hard to give attack orders.
If NATO satellite image shows that my warning is right, may you have CIA retreat of the Fine Arts or do you need an IRA campaigne agasint Holocaust profiteur lifestyle? For 68...