Actually? And shooting someone does liberate the shooter or a third person, never the one shot at. Trust me, I am rebell.
Ok; So, what ever your dictionnaire sais, Recession litterly means taking back or cutting down in a broader sence and is used for times lower economic growth towards stagnation..
In a system in which the voted Governement has only two ways to finance its administration and only one currency based on interests that taking back always means cutting down from everyone for whom the cash used is still a medium of exchange and no capital.
As soon as money may be given out with interests attached, it turns a good itself and is not representing a good anymore. If you lent a book from a friend you won't have to give back the book with added pages. Also, if you don't like the rules the owner sets you, you can find plenty of other books around from other humans. That friend lents you the book as an investement into the friendship and if you won't return it the friendship suffers to potentially end.
Every Central Bank's money is like that book. There is only one book and you have to take it on their terms creating a society about the book not the friendship.
The Dollar is the biggest monopole in the USA, so is the Euro in the Euro Zone.
Do you understand that British Pound Sterling comes from Sterling Silver and that when we Traveller still had at least a stand against the House Hanover, Silver was the back of the Pound and Silver Coins an accpted and used other currency? Every bank and even traders was allowed to give out bank notes to everyone backed by a Treasure and those giving out Pounds did that in Silver. When was the Tower of London besieged??
Do you recall the official story why the Dollar was called Green Back?
And that the first Levi's trousers were made out of used tents? If you add that until the Confeds undermind the USA administrations to boost their cotton farm products by fighting a better product, the Hemp, you will understand that the Dollar was backed by a sack of industrial hemp and an early version of the ECU, a traders currency backed by the most wide spread product of early industrialisation. A sack of industrial hemp ready to be handed in at plenty of workshops and trade shops against other products.
The lie is so powerful, innit, CIA, to gain power?
When did you not.....