Monday 29 April 2024

German G Rap payes first interests

 Street Cred in Germany was never Credibility but Credit and the first German Gangster Rap artist got shot. Four shots were fired from close distance after a dispute over gambling money by an Albanian thug who surrendered to Police on the scene. He must have walked in again in all anger.
The realy bad news is that they still did not learn anything, but got more aggressive as I predicted. A dead lender does not pay back shit and murder in rage is easily 15 years with limited options to lowering the sentence based on the Albanian part in being an idiot. 
Recently, a new G Rap Star appears that aggressivly pushed forward into the Rap business claiming to have an UCK background of which I personally believe he might be closer to Wehrsportgruppen runnig a false flag operation than to Europe's oldest and most traditional Hillbillies dating back to the Ancient Rome and fighting them.
Germans in general have a lack of prediction their actions, which is why they usually got stuck on street level activity and tend to escalate out of nothing. When Bözemann keeps shouting for a Total War based on Albanian pride, because someone metionen his mum he does not understand that he does define "Albanian Criminal" and the attitude of that in public being carried away by the flow of his Max Headroom show of the Rap Business.
The UCK in Albania would have taken on the Police and the last shot would have been a headshot to the already dropped corp after the guy made sure he will never pay what ever he took and it won't be gambling money most certainly.
The German streets are a lot run by reputation and who knows whom. Name dropping is essential and hardly anyone is all sober in even important business meetings. Hirarchy respect is more important than profit. 
The German streets are as feudalistic as Germans history.
Whith poverty looming over all Germany and all society parts at some point the Frat Boys will also kill each other, but most likely over a business desk made from oak with a Luger and it is just a matter of time that riot Police takes aimed shots at stone throwers.
This won't be another end of DDR, no miracle like the Germans and a peaceful revolution.
This is l'escalation La Haine, but in all German and that's an ugly language.

PS: You wanna be Top G over prison gang? Anger management and substance use control. But you need than to also only hang out wth those that help you progressing, just as Tate sais.....