(but the war against the Wests system) what happens after depends on the price the Wests leaders are willing to pay from here on to their certain loss. This system of a Secret Service dominated society based on stupid lies is failing and they cannot catch it.
The Russians will in no way repeat the mistake of allowing the leaders to just walk off a contract and do their thing.
The ANC created a huge tribunal in which the Apartheid leaders and profiteurs were able to convess their actions afer which many received a pardon.
It is most unlikely that they would like a modern Robespiere use firing squats after identifying known abusive humans living from the people and for only their only selfish desires to shoot them. After the shock of the Germans wrongdoings callsed Holocaust the world got soft against parasites of mankind looking to be of the opposite kind.
It also might take quite some time until Russian and Chinese investigators have worked through Secret Service files to understand how the StaSi of the West worked, how many suffered from the FBIs Messiah list and how many war crimes like those of Nazi Wehrsportgruppen were ordered by whom.
In the meantime many of them will go on the run and become criminals just without a badge, but doing the very same for a living.
All abusive and corrupt in any form of Tyranny need a functional system that they can exploid. In Germany a coruupt BKA StaatsSchutz gang with the help of Hells Angels junkies created a virtual KZ system all around families that were against the Nazi Reich they all came from and kep that system during Cold War running for three generations.
Every system until here cuts down on social responsibility and intelligence of the individual creating criminals just based on its inflexibility.
We have no solution for the administrative issues in our systems no matter if institutional monarchy, democratic republic or communist republic, and them and us will find a way to get around...but everytime we go for war against each other they will hide among innocent that are hindered in their actions by the limitations of the system making our path more difficult.
In Chaos this is different. Mokoko does not have crime and no Police. The times that saw most justice for most in Europe were called by the Germans history books Chaos of Tiny States....
Would you hold and let us sort out some all around the crash. You'd be quite disturbing all east from Poland straight to Lisboa. This is not like a Rocker Gang War in SoA, this is against a way of life...like in Dune or GoT.
#TIE #ticktack