Wednesday 24 April 2024

Iran is creating Cell structures in South America

 sais the founder of Blackwater and when he sais it, it must come from a reliable source. You cannot engage into this Go game with Chess strategies.
The old strategies are already causing you loosing Ukraine and you cannot win anymore by classic military campaigens, but will again murder thousands to millions of civilian bystanders.
Those in charge globally are not my Auschwitz warden neighbours, but for well those that dropped two nuclear bombs for the very same no brainer core reasons. Because you can.
The cell structures of most terrorist organistions based on connected and guided platoons operating covered have been proven to be extremely effective. They are basically Vice Commando Soldiers and have proven to be more effective in damange to a nation's order while being less leathel for innocent bystanders than World War stratgies of death factories, nuclear bombs or bombing runs over populated towns.

I wonder, if everyone in a U.S. think tank and British Command understands by now that nuclear bombs will not defeat an enemy operating in connected cells that can swap top comand rank position as needed, but I am glad we all agree that the Germans will not be able to build death factories ever again.

Considering the still existant power among The West and the punishement many leaders can expect after their Black Book of Clandestine Operations Enemey and Domestic was published, you better retreat into your centers to secure your own and willfary, but stay the fuck away from guys like me....and BKA makes better sure I ain coming for them when they left my ancient home. And you CIA want to make them or have to miss your loyal servant soon.

This is WW4