Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Is it a small world

 when it turns our that the Sydney stabbing had a White Fox Model as one of the victims from the perspective of this blogg?
Well, it might.
Obviously, women into fashion blogging have as a natural habitat a Good Mall as Gs the leather seats of their luxerious rides. Sometimes it is just a coinsidence.
On the other hand side The West is getting into economic decline and I in my world the bad guys do not leave any proof for court.
TussyInc, especially the legal parts, are making good money living the life many admire and try to aim for. The videos of the girls and their boyfriends are inspiring to many and there will be more than one cashier of a major supermarket chain having her moment of ultimate pleasure on the coach in all trainers with a copy of that smoothy on the shared Netflix account.
This is a form of Love.
This attracts those that caused WW2 to be a massacre against the happy loving living their lifes way past any military conflict. These humans started with House Prisons run by Street Thugs way before takin power.
The strategy of intimidation and fear are still around used for not only political gain, but also for financial and in the worst cases to satisfy sadism.
The Australian Rocker Scene has faced a major cut down and Rocker Nation is part of the worst part of The Germans being the dirty unwashed all on steroids bike riding version of The Nazis SA. Most don't know that they do have a Grand Wizard just as the KKK that is into the dark parts of psychology and uses drugs for the psycho part in pschoactive substance.
I have written in this blogg that the CIA obtained all Nazi research done in Ausschwitz and continued the research in metaphysics like telepathy, subliminal messaging and mass control and that the Hell's Angels of my real father were jumped like my Big Red One Hip-Hop by CIA and FBI.
Well, the CIA did also pass on some intel to those keeping our colours covering up that they are no more but a modern SA.
In the next step the Rockers will get even closer to the Ladies. First by frequenzin the all same spots, then by hanging out at those places and starting to look and stare at them. Finally, to exploid them in most cases in almost legal ways by financing their own legal enterprises like car dealerships or insurence and real estate brokers.
Remember, in Germany, the Homeland of the Nazis, today there is someone out that managed to get away for decaes by stating he had my Copy Rights because of an oath of poverty and I am the least person who heard that bullshit.....and when BKA by came they alomost got the shit beaten out, but refused to comply and we are close to an exchange by military means.
But than...do you wan't to be our Wonderwall?


Keep the copies of the CCTV longer and check them for passive aggressive men and women.
Learn to stay calm and fight fear by focusing on situational awarness and your skills.
Learn drving your car by speeding and breaking harder when save. 
Learn your map and understand how far and long you can run, jogg and walk.
Do not fight, but hide if you are no figther.
Learn your town by randomly understanding where a landmark is.

May the force by with you.

sectio actio repos proactivum