Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Is that honestly still Russian tactics?

This is WW2 tactics. But in WW2 Russia was defending against a high on drugs rape-murdering force having declared a war of total destruction that would deport everyone into KZs. That was a quite different motivation and no citizen for or against Stalin would say no to a gun and uniform even so the Russian economy had build tracktors and no tanks.
The strategy is simple. A line of defence is tested by light infantry that this way gets battle experiance, if they survive. All weak spots are than attacked with heavier forces. Attack is different from defence and holding by the absence of artillery use and losses are high.

First of all the map has no grid at all. Than terretory and geography does not matter neither and any other attack from a flank or behind is not even considered. The focus is only on Army and no Airforce or Missile force is part of the attack despite artillery. There is no battle ground prepartion and reconnessance of the attacked line is by counting shouts fired at the attackers.

If I have a work day of 8 hours to cut a tree down, I will spend 6 on sharpening my axe, rest for 30 min inbetween working the tree and cut it down in one and a half hours. A blunt axe will make you sweat and exhausted, but no tree will fall, no proper tree at least.

There are in modern warefare no general strategic rules anymore as in WW2 to always use light infantry frist and tanks later, but the rules are defined based on the most appropriate part of the force to spare own lives with most deadly impact on the enemy.

In general a modern force wins by its social and communication skills used instead of blunt numbers to save the comrads, be most efficient with ammunition and have biggest impact in every strike. It is like a driveby or somone walking to the crowed and putting a bullet through the brain from close distance. The letter needs cold blood, the first will cause innocents suffering.

If the position is not to be understood by satellite imagery or drone footage as much as if the position turns out to be strongly fortified with even solid buker structures the light infantry might be no attack choice, but a night time approach recon team gaining further intel, waiting for an educated decision of command to either retreat or coordinate targeted artillery or drone striks from a hidden position. 
As much might be the use of snipers moving into good positions to take down the enemyin brought day light over several days the appropriate decision always depending on the soldiers abilities and interconnection with other parts of the force.

To do that it needs Shadow Run mission like planning and Character Sheet like understanding of the situation in an all sober mind set. in war humans die, to win it needs more corps on the other side, at least when they keep trying instead of dropping their uniforms after hospital. The bigger the difference, the greater the victory.

The Craft of War is a Craft to be Mastered
to find Peace