Monday 22 April 2024

Legal and Illegal Substances

 The problem is not the substance, but the substance abuse in every single case of illegal substances. Some substances being illegal come with bigger implications and hemp as such is a main player.
Before the Nazis murdered their Germany into existance hemp was the most important industrial plant used to create clothes more reliable than cotton only beaten by high-tech mineral oil based fibres like nylon, to make paper and paper products, ethanol fuels and flour.
The hemp smoked was in WW2 also the only substance that balanced the fear the SS created based on their drug cocktail and all Partisan groups that hit back hard were smoking hamp before action going in after the high fell off.
Today in the SS founded Germany the consumption of hemp can lead to the loss of the drivers licence and long term mental hospital inprisonment, while all other drug users will face no comperable punishment at all. They get tharpies based on alternative substances and trained in long term use of such, while lessions in dealing with the increased presence of feelings and impressions on weed does not exist.
So, FUCK YA ALL. Just walk off, it is just weed as you said and no reason to die for. 
PS: I just need weed...and an idiot gang daring to get in trouble.