Monday, 1 April 2024


is putting the access to energy and the life expectation in connection. This is because of that equation:
The energy is made from burning coal, fossil oil and fossil gas. All of the three create toxic oxids when used for energy production. Toxic oxids do shorten lifespan. Therefore, it must have a different reason that humans live longer.
Any arguement against must be short sited to proof the basic theory correct., such as the energy was produced away from the humans, which is incorrect today and historically. If looking at London Town in the begginig of industrialisation the coal run steam machines caused lung deases by creating heavy smog producing no medicin or any other good considered to increase life expetation. Instead did the use of medication increas, most likely by using more toxic energy sources in opposite to places that rely on clean energy creating no demand for medication.
If areas using clean energy being off toxic energy systems use less medication it means that we can increase life expectatoins even more, if changing our energy sector exchanging toxic sources with clean sources by also increasing the quality of life creating a medication free society.

What you think and how much do you hate me now??? You assholes....

Those that just want to see the world burn, and fell for believing we had any problems with that except the time point and part, will quickly change the topic to industrial and economic needs that forbid the widespread use of clean energy. Therefore, we do not argue, but will burn the system as the system is the problem understanding for well that some will fight that needed change by flames of a system incapable of providing a better life.

We need Vice Intellectuals on this path. We are Provos, part of the IRA movement acting in independent Cells for good for the good and bad against the bad making them better and the others worse in every respect.