Sunday 21 April 2024

Sorry, it might be a bit late to tell you

 but the reason why some say they don't take steroids and also why fitness guys are ever dumer than the Bodybuilders is: The Hormons they take is produced in the Brain. Like bodybuilders have smaller testicles, and if it helps you way more calm mornings, the hormons guys will have smaller brains.

From Wiki:
...blabla....hat is synthesized, stored and secreted by somatotropic cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland..which is blablabla...makes up the pituitary gland (hypophysis) which, in humans, is located at the base of the brain, protruding off the bottom of the hypothalamus.

To keep a long story short. A., We know more about the moon than about the deep sea and our human brain. This hyposomething is the vey core or center of the brain.
So, why would you fuck with that part??

PS: Dummer? Ok check when Cuttler filled up with testo, but no hormons, has a laough and than these two guys enjyoing themselves. Dude, don't blame the player, blame the game. Satire...aka Don't fuck with us. Yours, Generation Kill. The laough is like an engine sound inidcating power. 
he he he .... he he he or 
Cuttlers hahahahahaahhaha and our muhahhahahdidhesaysaidhahahahahahihaveheardhimhhahahahahahaha.....brrruuuuuuahahahahahahahtoooomuchhahahahhickshuhahahhuuuuahhah