Monday 22 April 2024

The first time a big boy

 is honest about the simple things they pay for by becoming a living Michelin Man. In the last minutes of the vid the short guy tells that toilette hygene becomes at a certain level an issue. The itchy back and bear thing is a joke, but body hygene is a realy different level, especially in times of continous Virus attacks by nature. The Plague was a desease of lack of hygene in sociologic terms. If it itches you have to scratch, because the itching is a skin signal asking for physical support to get rid of somthing that needs to go and the great feeling of scratching is the basic primitive inherited reward. Sleeping and snoring turns another problem, but has a way easier solution.
Most of Asia sleeps on no big Princess on a Pie like matress, but only on a thin Futon. So, do I. A real Futon is only a few layers of cotton, pretty much like a thick Duvé or one of these matress on top of a matress, but than it needs a solid kushen for the head or otherwise the arm will get numb. Before your first time like a Monk or Knight or Asian you might want to have a good massage to get rid of all small muscle seizures from your previous nest as they could get worse first. This way sleeping sideways is no problem anymore and backpian from a lay down matress is gone.
And the hygene thing is called a Kärcher. I am serious. These guys have a shit once per day in their all sceduled life and the Kärcher well can be mounted in the shower and feed the preassurised water from a warm tub with soaped water. Something with good fat cleaning abilites. Bodybuilders do sweat a lot and therefore clean skin is extremely important to allow the sweat to pass through the skinpors instead of causing spots that can create ugly skin deseases when just one little virus hits, but they cannot do sauna and have issues with scratching themselves using a hard brush for the same sideeffect as I do. And Head and Shoulder is an all Bodywash hence it is against little dead skin that just happens to be worst around the brain.
This is a form of Buttefly effect as in Siedeffects becoming even more unhealthy.
So, That Wall needs a Kärcher with adjustable preassure....